Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Floor Size and Negative Space Research

Websites for estimating size of dance floor:

The first article is about a dance floor that is used to evaluate dancers or potentially be used for compositional purposes.  Earlier examples of dance floors with sensors use electrical contact or pressure sensors.  This particular dance floor uses proximity sensors.  Although this is the most accurate to date, it seems as though we don’t need something this fine tuned for use in our project, especially since we will be using a matrix of sensors to get the data we need.  The second article is about a project that uses motion tracking and pressure sensing floors to generate visuals.  This is similar to our project, but is used in a structured dance performance setting.  It is definitely a project that our project is standing on the shoulders of in terms of application. The third article is definitely my favorite and has led me to an awesome resource for future research: EDMC. It goes in depth on various aspects of the EDM culture and talks about the balance between light and dark, individual and community as well as the types of experiences that people have and are looking for at these events.  One of the things that I think will make this project a success is the sense of collaboration between the DJ, dancers and non-dancers.  The fourth article talks about the importance of how a space is set-up and how that affects the communication and interactions of the space, which is something that we should keep in mind for how we will have our space set-up.  Traffic flow and set-up will have a lot to do with the kind of experience our users are going to have.  Form and function are ultimately inseparable.

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